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Susan McGinnis, ADHD Impact Coaching

Susan coaches adults with ADHD toward self-confidence in living with ADHD, with understanding of executive functioning, including emotional regulation skills. Services by Zoom from the U.S. EST time zone.

The International ADHD Coach Training Center, iACTcenter.com
The International ADHD Coach Training Center, iACTcenter.com

The International ADHD Coach Training Center is setting a new standard in ADHD Life Coach Training, focusing on the global impa...

The Roig Academy
The Roig Academy

The IB choice for students with attention and language based learning disabilities such as dyslexia and ADD. Grades PK4- 8

Featured Event10/25/2023 - 10/23/2024

Dating Success: Strategies for Making Dating Fun for Adults ages 21 to 50!
Dating Success: Strategies for Making Dating Fun for Adults ages 21 to 50!

a unique, results-oriented support group that helps you achieve profound strides in your dating life! Along with a small, inti...

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